How many of you LOVE essential oils and LOVE to make your own goodies, but just don't have the time? I hear ya, sista. There are so many amazing DIY body care or household items that I want to make, but just can't make the time for in my busy schedule.
Here are some SUPER easy semi-DIY items that you will LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Hand Sanitizer
Semi-DIY Version:
I've made DIY hand sanitizer before, using aloe vera gel (the kind you use when you get a sun burn) and rubbing alcohol...but....this takes time!'s an easier way to go for the time-deprived:
Add 15 drops of Shield Blend to every 4oz of the Hand Sanitizer. The hand sanitizer comes in a 4oz bottle that has a squeeze cap and an 8oz bottle that has a pump. Either are great, but the pump is so nice if you are keeping this out on your desk and not carrying it in your purse or diaper bag. Shake that baby up! What do you have? EXTRA strength hand sanitizer that REALLY kills the germs, is safe for EVERYONE in the family and smells like Christmas! YEAH! I have a 4oz bottle of this semi-DIY hand sanitizer combo on my desk at work. It smells SO good!
Real DIY Version:
If you happen to have some time to kill and need to get those creative juices flowing, here's how to make DIY hand sanitizer:
- 2 Tablespoons Vodka
- 2 Tablespoons of Water
- 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera Juice (Find in the organic section at most grocery stores, co-ops, vitamin stores...pretty much any where)
- 1/2 teaspoon of Vegetable Glycerin (Find in the organic section at most grocery stores and co-ops)
- 2 drops Spark Naturals Rosemary Essential Oil
- 2 drops Spark Naturals Clove Bud Essential Oil
- 2 drops Spark Naturals Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- 2 drops Spark Naturals Cinnamon Essential Oil
- 2 oz. Spark Naturals Blue Glass Spray Bottle
Add ingredients to a bowl. Stir that baby up REAL good :) Pour it into a dark colored, 2oz. size glass spray bottle. I say dark and glass because essential oils will break down when exposed directly to light and can also leech plastic. Not good. This recipe makes a little more than one, 2 oz. bottle. Use the little that is left after filling the bottle to slather your hands. :) Making a bunch for all your office buddies or all of your child's classmates? Just multiply the recipe above for the proper amount that you need.
Semi-DIY Version:
LOTION! I LOVE LOTION! Ever made your own? It's AWESOME. But, I have an alternative that is just as good...maybe even better. Here's what ya do:
Fill the glass jars with Spark Naturals Unscented Hand and Body Lotion into each jar. Next, add 15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil to the jar. Mix gently with a stir stick or metal knife. And that's it! EASY! Now you have AWESOME smelling lotion that soothes dry skin and heals it with essential oils. LOVE!

You could switch up the essential oil in the lotion,too! Not into Lavender? No problem. Just substitute the Lavender for a different essential oil. Another yummy smelling essential oil you may like is Wild Orange Essential Oil by Spark Naturals. It smells just like a fresh peeled orange.
Real DIY Version: it's not "really" lotion but it's even better. It's SALVE! This takes a few extra ingredients and supplies, but it makes a TON, keeps your hands moisturized longer than lotion and it smells AMAZING! Plus, it HEALS! HEALS, I TELL YA! Follow the recipe at the link below from a past blog I posted. It's worth it!
Pump-able Anti-Bacterial Hand Soap
Semi-DIY Version:
The best defense against getting sick is washing your hands! Wash them multiple times a day. A LOT! Here is a quick anti-bacterial handsoap that is great to have by all your sinks:
- Order an 8 oz bottle of Spark Naturals Hand Soap (8 oz comes with a pump, 4 oz comes with a squeeze cap) HERE
- Order a bottle of Spark Naturals Shield Blend HERE
Add 15 drops to every 4oz of the hand soap. (8oz bottle = 30 drops, 4oz bottle = 15 drops). Shake that puppy up! You are good to go! Shield is Spark Naturals best defense against germs, sickness and gross stuff. You know? Gross stuff!
Real DIY Version:
Okay, now this real DIY version isn't too hard. It's actually kind of easy! And it smells amazing!
- 2 Tablespoons of UNSCENTED/Baby Mild Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap (You can find this at any grocery store, big box store or co-op).
- 1 Cup of Distilled Water or Bottled Water (as long as it's filtered water, it's okay)
- 5 drops of Spark Naturals Shield Blend
- Empty soap dispenser. They have some really cute ones at the Dollar Store! Or you can use an empty one you have laying around the house.
Mix all of the ingredients into a bowl. Funnel it into the soap dispenser. That's it!
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