Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Take Care of Fatigue and Insomnia with Essential Oils

Fatigue, sleepy, exhausted…whatever you call it, they are all disgusting words. Besides taking multiple pills to receive some sort of restful sleep, what else can be done to either stay alert during the day or to help get some good sleep!? I think this has been the number one question I have been asked since I started spreading the word about essential oils.  

So, I started looking more into this and wanted to put together a super juicy blog post to help out all the heavy eyed people out there.

In my research, I have found a few all natural things that have worked for others that I completely support. It just depends on what method of delivery you want.  I’m going to break this down a bit more than usual so I can help those who have trouble falling asleep and help those who have issues with fatigue during the day.


Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep


Bliss Blend from Spark Naturals (Purchase HERE)
·         Bliss is a special blend of lavender, sweet marjoram, roman chamomile, ylang ylang, sandalwood and vanilla.
·         Bliss can be used throughout the day to combat stress and anxiety. Then diffuse or apply to the bottom of your feet at bedtime to assist in peaceful, resting sleep.
o   Put Bliss in a roller bottle (50/50 blend of Bliss and Fractionated Coconut Oil). Roll on the bottom of your feet and on your wrists before bed time.
o   Diffuse the EO in an essential oil diffuser throughout the evening and while sleeping. This is a great way to get all the same benefits of essential oils without having to smear yourself in them. Spark Naturals has two AMAZING diffusers that can be purchased HERE.



Sandalwood Essential Oil (Purchase HERE)
·         Known to stimulate a gland in your brain that produces melatonin. The melatonin then provides your body with natural sleep. Sandalwood is a great essential oil to use instead of melatonin tablets.
·         Historically, it has been used to assist in meditation because of its ability to relax and focus an individual. 
o   Apply several drops (2-4) to temples, ankles and wrists before bed.
o   Diffuse the EO in an essential oil diffuser throughout the evening and while sleeping. This is an AWESOME way to get all the same benefits of essential oils without having to smear yourself in them. Spark Naturals has two AMAZING diffusers that can be purchased HERE.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Purchase HERE)

·      Roman Chamomile is known for its relaxation properties. It is wonderful for those suffering from insomnia, anxiety, PMS, digestive issues and to calm the nervous system.
o   Apply several drops (2-4) to temples, ankles and wrists before bed.
o   Diffuse (see explanation under sandalwood)

Vetiver Essential Oil (Purchase HERE)
·         Vetiver EO is perfect for anyone who suffers from insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, ADD, mental fatigue and postpartum depression.
o   Apply several drops (2-4) to temples, ankles and wrists before bed.
o   Diffuse (see explanation under sandalwood)


Overcoming Fatigue During the Day


Lemongrass Essential Oil (Purchase HERE)
·         Known to energize, relieve fatigue and lethargic feelings.
o   Diffuse! Diffuse the EO in an essential oil diffuser throughout the day. This is a great way to get all the same benefits of essential oils without having to smear yourself in them. Spark Naturals has two AMAZING diffusers that can be purchased HERE. Be sure to stop diffusing the essential oil 2 hours prior to bedtime.


Grapefruit Essential Oil (Purchase HERE)
·         Known to help with hangovers, mental fatigue and headaches.
o   Add 3-6 drops of grapefruit EO to a 8oz glass of water and consume rapidly 1 hour before bed.
o   Diffuse! Diffuse the EO in an essential oil diffuser throughout the day. This is a great way to get all the same benefits of essential oils without having to smear yourself in them. Spark Naturals has two AMAZING diffusers that can be purchased HERE. Be sure to stop diffusing the essential oil 2 hours prior to bedtime.
o   Apply several drops (2-4) to temples, ankles, and wrists before bed. (Do not dilute with fractionated coconut oil. In other words, apply NEAT.)

And, as always....
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