Sunday, September 8, 2013

All Natural Healing Salve

Today's my first post of my NEW blog! I thought I should start off with my all time favorite healing salve. I discovered this loveliness by winning a giveaway from Rebecca at Camp Wander. (Find the original post by clicking HERE. I've also pasted it below along with Rebecca's pictures to help you make this yourself). She developed this amazing blend of all natural, organic goodies into a wonderful salve. The salve is amazing for just about any skin ailment.

Okay, so I'm one of those people who will try just about anything once. So, when I received the all natural healing salve from Camp Wander, I promptly slathered it all over my body, my husbands legs (oooh lala!) and my son; much to their chagrin. It smelled amazing and wasn't nearly as oily as I thought it might be. It was gentle and lovely. Sometimes salves have this terrible medical smell to them, but this one was very coconutty (not a word but let's make up our own rules here) and citrusy. I was also impressed with how far just a dab goes. This 4 oz. glass mason jar of salve is going to last quite awhile, even with daily application.

So, I decided to make a couple of batches with Camp Wander's recipe. It turned out wonderfully! I am in love with this stuff and so are my buddies! I especially like the idea of putting all natural things on and in my body, rather than petroleum filled, alcohol based products.

Use coupon code CURLY to save 10% when ordering from Spark Naturals!

All Purpose Healing Salve Recipe:

1  Cup Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
1  Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4  T. Spark Naturals Beeswax Pastilles
5 mason jars or glass containers (4oz.) from Spark Naturals

To each jar add:
10  drops Lavender Essential Oil from Spark Naturals
  8  drops Lemon Essential Oil from Spark Naturals
  6  drops Melaleuca Essential Oil from Spark Naturals

Fills {5} - 4 oz glass mason jars or small glass jars of choice.

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer as well as antibacterial.  Olive oil has lots of anti-oxidants, including Hydroxytyrosol as well as anti-inflammatory properties.  
Lavender soothes and heals, Lemon cleanses and disinfects while Melaleuca is antibacterial and antifungal!

Melt the coconut, olive oil and beeswax in a warm bath, stirring with a knife every few minutes until melted.

This will take at least 15 min, you want a slow melt.

Add the EOs to the empty jars and pour into glass jars of your choice and let cool.

Put a paper towel over the jars while cooling and wait to cover with lids until completely cooled down.  Shelf life is approximately 8 months.

Suggestions from experience:  Use small jars and keep several around the house and few travel sizes handy.


10 ways we've used All Purpose Healing Salve...with great success I might add :)

1.  Crazy good hand moisturizer!
2.  Amazing on dry, cracked heels and crusty elbows.

3.  All round moisturizer for dry climes.  I use it as a body moisturizer and even on my face, sparingly!

4.  Soothes and heals chapped lips or any chappy place.

5.  Soothes welts, burns and sunburn!

6.  Great for diaper rash.

7.  Keep your animals in mind!  My son has healed his bulldogs sunburned noses with this. Great antiseptic wound care for animals (except cats).

8.  Antiseptic properties make it great for cuts and scrapes!

9.  Wonderful for elderly folks and their thin, fragile skin.

10.  A good remedy for eczema!

Notes:  It's easy to double the recipe if you're making gifts!  A small jar of salve is a great gift that keeps on giving.  Purchase some lip balm pots or tins and fill with salve to keep in your purse or backpack.